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Napoleon and Precious

They both joined us in 2013 and have since passed on. Their memory and legacies still live on within the Pet Medical Center Family.

Read about their stories below.

Precious (Black and White), was a clients cat. When Ms. Threedy went into a nursing home, Dr. Herman took her in.  Ms. Threedy passed away at the age of 101 in 2018. Her memory lives on in Precious as we think of her every day we see Precious greet us in the morning.

Napoleon (Siamese), was also a clients cat. When Napoleon fell ill, his owner didn't want to treat him and wanted to euthanize him. Dr. Herman asked his owner if he would let Dr. Herman adopt him and treat him, and he obliged. Napoleon has well managed diabetes and loves greeting all the clients who come in, especially the one's who bring in their cat!

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