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Problems With Your Cat's Paws: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Admin • Jul 31, 2019
Brown Cat With His Paw Up

Since cats like to bat or pounce at things, it may be no surprise to you when your cat's paws appear sore or swollen occasionally. However, injured and swollen paws are sometimes serious and require a trip to the veterinarian's office. Here is more information on common types and causes of paw injuries, when you need to see a veterinarian, and how to prevent future paw problems.

Symptoms of Paw Injuries

In addition to potentially serious swelling, you will likely see your cat limping when a paw is injured and he or she may stop and lick or bite that paw often. If you touch or hold the paw, it will feel warm or your cat may react as if in pain. You may also see pus, blood, or crusty material on the paw or in between the toes. Keep an eye out for any of those signs.

Types and Causes of Common Paw Injuries

Most cat paw injuries are a result of either stepping on or swatting at something that is sharp or can sting. Some common objects that may injure your cat's paws include:

  • Bees and wasps
  • Scorpions
  • Spiders
  • Glass
  • Metal objects (including pins and needles)

Stings from bees and scorpions, as well as spider bites, are potentially dangerous, especially if your cat has allergies or received multiple stings or bites. Some bites heal slowly and leave a large enough wound that may lead to gangrene or other types of infections.

Cats can also injure their paws by fracturing the bones when they jump from a high location or a heavy object falls on their toes. Ingrown claws are also a potentially serious problem.

One extremely dangerous condition that doesn't involve any external signs is plasma pododermatitis. This systemic issue causes plasma to infiltrate the foot pad and causes it to swell up. Unlike other types of infection, plasma pododermatitis can often affect all four feet at once, though in varying degrees.

The exact cause of this condition is unknown, but it likely involves immune system issues. Fortunately, your veterinarian can easily treat this issue with medications.

Signs that Your Cat Needs Immediate Veterinary Assistance

Most of the time, if you don’t see signs of an embedded foreign object in the paw, and the foot is not broken, you can clean and dress the wound and let it heal on its own. However, if your cat is showing signs of breathing problems, choking, trouble swallowing, or drooling, then it may indicate an allergic reaction and you will need to bring your cat to a veterinarian right way.

If your cat is clearly in pain and the feet are severely swollen or bleeding, then have him or her checked out as this could be a sign of an illness or severe injury that needs a medical or surgical intervention. Never give your cat any medications, either topical or orally, without your veterinarian's permission.

Things You Can Do to Prevent Paw Injuries

The number one thing you can do to help protect your cat's paws is to check them on a regular basis. Get your cat used to you handling their feet. You should be trimming your cat's claws regularly, especially with older cats that can't shorten them through normal clawing.

Discourage your cat from chasing or pouncing on insects, even harmless ones. If you catch and treat problems and injuries early, then your cat is less likely to have serious paw problems in the future.

Much of the time, a little grooming and attention is enough to keep your cat's paws in good shape and prevent infections from getting worse. However, when the problem is serious enough that your cat needs medication, stitches, or even surgery, then you must bring him or her into the veterinarian's office.

Pet Medical Center of Vero Beach is equipped to handle your cat's injuries or infections. Call us immediately if your cat is having a paw problem, or any other type of illness or injury.

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